Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 1

Today was the first official day of research, from a actual research standpoint I dug around on the internet for a few hours trying to really narrow the route I take on my project. With that being said,I am going to focus really on the first 25-30 years of the 20th century and highlight textile mill baseball as well as its impact on mill competition in the upstate. As I progress I think I will be able to narrow it down a little more but I can already tell from the little bit of reading I have done and the web browsing today that I am going to want to study this long past interm.

We had a really nice meeting/dinner tonight with all the people doing independent research this interm. There is such a wide range of projects and such a eclectic group of individuals I really look forward to the project at the end.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is by far the most diverse group I've seen. It will really be interesting on the day the final projects are presented.

    Quick note on writing---why does your generation use 'progress' as a verb? I've always said 'make progress' or 'the progress of becoming a better writer.' It's a noun in my world. But I see young writers do it all the time! I think this is one we may have to take up with the English faculty. Obviously , the way words are used can change, just as the rules of any game are modified over time.
